作者:佚名|分类:EXCEL|浏览:158|发布时间:2025-03-25 11:57:35
1. 使用“文本”格式
1. 选择单元格:首先,选中需要转换为大写的金额所在的单元格。
2. 设置单元格格式:右键点击选中的单元格,选择“格式单元格”。
3. 选择“文本”:在弹出的“单元格格式”对话框中,选择“数字”标签页,然后在“分类”列表中选择“文本”。
4. 输入金额:在单元格中输入金额,Excel会自动将其显示为大写。
2. 使用“条件格式”功能
1. 选择单元格:选中需要转换为大写的金额所在的单元格或单元格区域。
2. 应用条件格式:点击“开始”标签页,找到“条件格式”组,选择“新建规则”。
3. 设置格式:在弹出的“新建格式规则”对话框中,选择“使用公式确定要设置格式的单元格”,然后在“格式值等于以下公式时”输入公式:`=ISNUMBER(LEFT(A1,1))*1`。
4. 选择字体和大小:点击“格式”按钮,在弹出的“设置单元格格式”对话框中,选择合适的字体和大小,然后点击“确定”。
5. 完成设置:点击“确定”按钮,Excel会将选中的单元格中的金额转换为大写。
3. 使用“VBA宏”功能
1. 打开VBA编辑器:按下`Alt + F11`键打开VBA编辑器。
2. 插入模块:在VBA编辑器中,右键点击“VBAProject(你的工作簿名称)”选择“插入” -> “模块”。
3. 编写代码:在打开的模块中,输入以下代码:
Sub 大写金额()
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Selection
With rng
.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text(.Value, "¥0.00")
End With
End Sub
4. 运行宏:关闭VBA编辑器,回到Excel界面,按下`Alt + F8`,选择“大写金额”宏,点击“运行”。
1. 使用内置函数
=TEXT(LEFT(A1,2),"00")&"拾" & TEXT(MID(A1,3,2),"00")&"角" & TEXT(RIGHT(A1,2),"00")&"分"
2. 使用自定义函数
1. 打开VBA编辑器:按下`Alt + F11`键打开VBA编辑器。
2. 插入模块:在VBA编辑器中,右键点击“VBAProject(你的工作簿名称)”选择“插入” -> “模块”。
3. 编写代码:在打开的模块中,输入以下代码:
Function 大写金额(num As Variant) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim strNum As String
Dim strUnit(9) As String
strUnit(0) = ""
strUnit(1) = "壹"
strUnit(2) = "贰"
strUnit(3) = "叁"
strUnit(4) = "肆"
strUnit(5) = "伍"
strUnit(6) = "陆"
strUnit(7) = "柒"
strUnit(8) = "捌"
strUnit(9) = "玖"
strNum = num
For i = 1 To Len(strNum)
If Mid(strNum, i, 1) = "0" Then
If InStr(1, strNum, "0") = Len(strNum) Then
strNum = "零"
strNum = Left(strNum, i 1) & "零" & Mid(strNum, i + 1)
End If
End If
Next i
For i = 1 To Len(strNum)
If Mid(strNum, i, 1) = "0" Then
If InStr(1, strNum, "0") = 1 Then
strNum = ""
strNum = Left(strNum, i 1) & Mid(strNum, i + 1)
End If
End If
Next i
For i = 1 To Len(strNum)
If Mid(strNum, i, 1) = "1" Then
If i = 1 Then
strNum = strUnit(1) & Mid(strNum, i + 1)
strNum = Mid(strNum, 1, i 1) & strUnit(1) & Mid(strNum, i + 1)
End If
strNum = Mid(strNum, 1, i 1) & strUnit(CInt(Mid(strNum, i, 1))) & Mid(strNum, i + 1)
End If
Next i
If Mid(strNum, 1, 1) = "零" Then
strNum = Mid(strNum, 2)
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 1) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 2) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 3) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 4) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 5) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 6) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 7) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 8) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 9) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 10) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 11) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 12) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 13) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 14) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 15) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 16) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 17) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 18) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 19) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 20) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 21) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 22) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 23) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 24) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 25) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 26) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 27) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 28) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 29) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 30) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 31) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 32) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 33) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 34) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 35) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 36) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 37) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 38) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 39) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 40) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 41) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 42) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 43) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 44) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 45) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 46) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 47) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 48) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 49) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 50) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 51) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 52) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 53) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 54) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 55) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 56) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 57) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 58) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 59) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 60) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 61) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 62) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 63) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 64) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 65) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 66) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 67) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 68) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 69) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 70) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 71) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 72) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 73) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 74) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 75) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 76) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 77) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 78) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 79) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 80) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 81) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 82) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 83) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 84) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 85) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 86) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 87) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1, 88) = "壹拾" Then
strNum = "壹拾"
End If
If Mid(strNum, 1